Brian’s “formal” legal career began on Tuesday, June 12, 1990 when he was sworn in at the Masonic Auditorium in San Francisco, California. Brian’s “informal” legal career, however, began long before his admission to the State Bar of California. Brian is the third generation in his family to become a lawyer. Brian remembers well the late night conversations between his father and grandfather regarding their various cases. Whether it was “nature or nurture,” a career in law was a natural choice for him.

Charlie is the first college graduate in his family and the oldest of five brothers raised on a farm in Loudonville, Ohio. Yes, the Ohio connection remains strong at the Gearinger Law Group.
Charlie attended Ohio State University where he worked as an English Composition and History tutor for the athletic department. Soon after earning his B.S., Charlie was hired by legendary football coach Woody Hayes as an athletic counselor for the OSU football team. While working for Coach Hayes, Charlie met innumerable sports celebrities along with many political, business and professional leaders.